Life is meaningless without Christ in your life. Coming out of quarantine, I hope we all have on our minds the life changing, world changing events that have just taken place. We can leave this pandemic running back to our lives as we knew them or we can choose to finally, after all these years submit ourselves to the will of God. Will you enter back into the world the same way you went in it or are you intent on going back out a new man or woman in Christ Jesus. This life is only, but a short stay. Therefore if any man beRead More →

Malcom X believed in the right to bear arms, he believed in the human right to exercise freedom of speech, believe it nor not he believed in the concept of us as Black people picking ourselves up by our own bootstraps in this society, being self-reliant, self-supporting not dependent on this Government and he also believed in limited regulations (oversight) of the people. If he had to choose a vote I’m sure he would Vote Republican, but he didn’t Vote at all. Most of the Black in America principally are conservative. So why don’t we all vote republican? Based on my years of study, personalRead More →

The term Bed Wrench defines by goggle states typically, a term applied to females of #African descent who give herself to white men of high status in exchange for privileges, and promotions, at the expense of turning her back on the people in her community. The term originated from female ‘house slaves’ back during #Americanslavery. When I met Candace she pretended to be a revolutionary for the betterment of #BlackPeople and I must admit I was skeptical but decided to give her a chance. Yet recently, and honestly over the pass year or so, she has proven to be nothing more than everyone expected an opportunist like #AlSharpton, like all the #BlackLiberals Activist,Read More →

We all have the unique ability to self reflect and during this time of forced home isolation, God has told me that innovation is created throughout catastrophe. Instead of soaking, becoming lackluster and depressed, God has called us to be determined, focused and blessed. There’s nothing man can take from us that God has given to us. Whatever business idea, marketing plan, purpose or mission that you have for your life. Don’t Wait for the World to Open Back Up, Start Today.Read More →

I recently read a New York Post article that detailed this nightmare scenario for Republicans. One that honestly I don’t believe a single conservative in the country has thought about. The possible run of Michelle Obama as Joe Biden’s VP pick. Now I personally wouldn’t vote for the ticket, but in the backdrop of the quarantine, lock-downs, governments seizing citizens rights, I can see this playing out in favor of the Democrat Party. As with all my videos lately, I have explained the relation to the current political climate to those foretold that we would face in the Holy Bible. Let me know if youRead More →

This message isn’t intended to be a dark and gloomy one, but a message of truth, which I pray is inspirational. There’s no secret that we are living in perilous times, so much so today that we are all sitting in our homes on quarantine locked down. The governments of the world has told us that the flu is causing this or some airborne virus but all evidence points to something else. Regardless of the plague, almost everyone agrees that there is something large at play as well. Now all of the media is appears to be ramping up to an agenda against Black Americans,Read More →

Unfortunately, the answer to this question is yes. The Deep State appears to be preparing us all for the end times that was prophesied long ago in the Holy Scriptures. Though the route they will take to bring about this New World Order may surprise many of you. I lay out exactly why they are pushing for a New World Order, why we the people will be complicit in bringing it about and how it will all play out in the end.Read More →