Would you be opposed to electing Police Officers? We already elect our Lawmakers, why not elect our Law Enforcers? This would undoubtedly eliminate a lot of the racial tensions in cases involving the Police Departments in America.  Currently the Police Departments have no way of being held accountable by the communities that they Police. If an unarmed man is shot and killed, that officer is only held accountable by his/her superiors. Nonetheless, this is supposed to be a free society. A Government For the People, by the People. A Representative Government. How is it possible that we elect the LawMakers, those who literally create theRead More →

As a Veteran myself who struggled tremendously after returning home from War in Iraq to becoming a civilian. This bill is dear to my heart. My Veteran Transition Bill would require all Active Duty Military to serve 2 to 4 years in the National Guard, Army Reserves, Navy Reserves or some Reservatist Unit before discharging from active duty.  When I left the Military, the biggest problem I had was the culture shock of transitioning back into civilian life. The Reserve Forces would allow for the slow integration of Soldiers back into society while still providing Soldiers with some structure of the Active Duty Military. MostRead More →

“Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.” What would you call someone who has reigned over you, made decisions on your behalf, creating laws, implemented laws and had them enforced over you for over two decades? I’d call them a tyrant, a Dictator, believe it or not that is essentially what we have in most of American Government Politicians. Mitch McConnel and Nancy Pelosi have been members of Congress longer than I have been alive. Term Limits are essential. I would say that they are more important to the wellbeing of the American public, than anything else. I’d say with the passage ofRead More →

There’s always peace, when there is prosperity for all. Anxiety is lowered, stress is almost obsolete when there is prosperity for all. The nations of the world are facing the most heightened tension days since their founding. The future is so uncertain, everyday we wake up with a new controversy or new scare during this pandemic and it’s unsettling. There is only one pathway forward, and it starts with creating programs that promote prosperity for all. When I am elected to Congress, this will be at the top of my list, this is my signature goal as a Statesman. To daily deliver new ideas toRead More →

When you hear those words, what comes to mind? For me, it’s the right to bear arms, to protect my family, myself and my assets without the Government creating barriers to hinder me and others from doing so. For me it’s the idea that if I want to open a Barbershop without going to “Barber School” I should be able to open a Barbershop, the consumer should determine if I do a good job or not, not some obituary board, and school creating by Government to squeeze poor folks for every dime they have, further hinder them to open up businesses. Did you know thatRead More →