Check out the full video on this teaching at: Who are the Israelites? The Bible is clear that the real Jews, the real Israelites would not enter back into their homeland Israel until Judgement Day or the Day that the Gentiles be fulfilled “And Jerusalem shall be trodden down by the Gentiles until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled.” Luke 21:24 Most of Western European Society believes that those that live inside of the land of Israel today are the bloodline or actual real historical Israelites, when the fact is they are not. Most of the known world is aware of this, exceptRead More →

The bible explains that during the days of Noah “All flesh was is being corrupted.” We are living in those days today. This used to be a conspiracy theory but today it is normal practice and for those who do not get it they are ostracized and cancelled. Elohim destroyed the world during the days of Noah not only because it was morally corrupt, but because the people “flesh” had been altered, corrupted, changed and we are rapidly headed towards that today. “and the sons of men in those days took from the cattle of the earth, the beasts of the field and the fowlsRead More →

it can be demoralizing. Learning that you are one of Gods Chosen People, however, looking around your communities an seeing nothing but filth and despair. Mostly, like I will make this a series of videos, because I could talk about the psychological and physical dilemma of learning this truth forever. Nonetheless, in this message, I conclude with giving you a magnificent scripture for the way you should live you life, after finding out you are a Hebrew Israelite in Babylon. ‘This is what the Lord Almighty, the God of Israel, says to all those I carried into exile from Jerusalem to Babylon: “Build houses andRead More →

This is a question we all have to ask ourselves during these days. In the old church everyone would of said “Amen.” It was easy to get an “Amen” out of everyone on this subject. Mainly, because they were not enduring persecution as we are right now. Mainly, because they were not living during the days of the Mark of the Beast as we are right now. For a believer the ultimate punish is to take the Mark of the Beast: “And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his markRead More →

Learning that you are an Israelite, can literally be the gift and the curse. I talk about some of these dilemmas that are psychological and many of them also physical that you struggle with once discovering your truth identity. Check out the full teaching on this message at: More →

Does anyone remember the rumor that Black People were suppose to get powers December 21, 2020? Where did that rumor come from? An was it even a rumor at all? The Bible says that “’In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams.” (Acts 2:17) Contrary to popular believe God was and is only talking to one people here, the Israelites, and he has promised to pour out his spirit on us in the last days. Imagine if you had theRead More →

Every Holiday has a meaning. Thanksgiving for example, is the celebration of the day that those who explored here to America conquered the original Natives of this land. This isn’t controversial, it shouldn’t even be debatable, but our society today has tried to sugarcoat and cover up everything in order to not hurt peoples feelings. Jesus said “The Truth shall set you free,” Lord knows that’s exactly what we need today. Christmas also has a meaning, it’s a very pagan, satanic meaning, and is centuries old, the “tradition” is even mentioned in the bible as something that we are NOT to observe: ‘Hear what theRead More →