If you live long enough, you will learn. That most people who stay in the same circumstances, want to be in those situations. They’ve had plenty of opportunities to change. Many opportunities to get ahead. However, many of them love the idea of being the victim, some of them thrive off the empathy of others. There’s always an excuse, I was born poor, my mother wasn’t in my life, I don’t have the money right now, it’s a bad time for me, I don’t have any help, “We Were Slaves,” the “White Man” holding me back, Excuses, Excuses, Excuses. God said of those types ofRead More →

The number one question, I get asked more than anything is “What is Black Conservatism?” Black Conservative, the definition as taught in grade school, is in the words. Black is an identity of people in America, mostly the ancestors of slaves. Conservative is a Political philosophy or ideology mostly compromising of Limited Government, Personal Accountability, Fiscal Responsibility, Freedom & Liberty. So Black Conservatism, should be the combining of those words, a people who identify themselves as Black or African American, however adhering to the Conservative ideologies. Take for For Example, limited Government, America is the most policed state in the world, and it’s not evenRead More →

Reparations, should the Black Ancestors of Slaves be paid reparations? In my opinion this is a no brainier, if a debt is owed there is always going to be tension between those involved until it is paid. The problem with reparations is that even the Americans who took so called “Black Americans” from Africa never promised to pay them anything. It was for all intensive purposes “kidnap.” There is no amount of dollars that can amount to the trauma of those who were kidnapped. There is no dollar amount we can place on the legislative policies enforced after slavery coined as “Jim Crow Laws.” (WhichRead More →

I’m a student of history and I don’t think it takes a Political Science degree to know that only one people on earth was scattered among all nations with slave ships. This was taught in basic American History 101, but what wasn’t taught to almost none of us is that this exact same history is inside of the Holy Bible. Deuteronomy 28:64-6868 And the Lord shall bring thee into Egypt (Slavery) again with ships, by the way whereof I spake unto thee, Thou shalt see it no more again: and there ye shall be sold unto your enemies for bondmen (Slave Man) and bondwomen (SlaveRead More →

Laura Ingraham interviews Leo Dunson on Fox News Spike Lee Oscars speech “Shuckin & Jivin.” It was an honor and a pleasure to be a guest on Fox News to speak about the obvious double standard between Liberal Black Elites and the rest of us. They dance and sing for rich White liberal crowds all over the world, showered in champagne and gifts while our people sit in poverty and crime in the ghettos of America. I took this interview to point out this hypocrisy, as well as to mention. That there is a rising group of Black Americans calling themselves Conservatives. These Americans areRead More →

National African American History Month is an occasion to rediscover the enduring stories of African Americans and the gifts of freedom, purpose, and opportunity they have bestowed on future generations.  It is also a time to commemorate the countless contributions of African Americans, many of whom lived through and surmounted the scourge of segregation, racial prejudice, and discrimination to enrich every fiber of American life.  Their examples of heroism, patriotism, and enterprise have given people of all backgrounds confidence, courage, and faith to pursue their own dreams. “All that I do in Politics, I do it, because I consider it to be apart of myRead More →